Förinbjudan European Congress on Odonatology 2022

Dear odonatologists, other nature enthusiast and researchers, 
the Slovene Dragonfly Society has the pleasure to announce that the 6th European Congress on Odonatology (ECOO) will take place in Slovenia from June 27 to 30 2022

Congress in Slovenia will be the sixth in the row of European gatherings dedicated to exchange and spread of knowledge on Western Palearctic dragonflies and damselflies. More information about the ECOO 2022 you can receive in the attachment. Several additional information about the Congress will be available in December when also the second announcement will be published.
Sharing this information with your colleagues, students and societies would be appreciated to improve our common efforts to associate people with interest in dragonflies.If you wish not receive further information on ECOO 2022, let us know.
The team behind ECOO 2022 bids you a very warm welcome to Slovenia in Summer 2022!  
In behalf of Organization committee of European Congress on Odonatology 2022
Damjan Vinko


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